Ferocactus Emoryi - Vase 8

Ferocactus Emoryi - Vase 8


Cultivation and care of the plant:

  • Exposure: Sunny and ventilated. Tminimum temperature 4 °C.
  • Soil: drained with pumice soil and lapilli. Fertilisation in spring
  • Watering: Quindicularly or weekly in spring and summer.

16 in stock


Ferocactus Emoryi - Characteristics

The Ferocactus Emoryi is a cactus belonging to the cactus family of the same name. Ferocactusnative to Mexico with a solitary habit that can grow up to two metres in optimal conditions. Its dark green stem is globose when young and then takes on a columnar form as it grows. It has well-marked ribs with woolly areoles from which reddish-yellow hooked spines emerge. Flowering of Ferocactus occurs in late spring and produces beautiful reddish funnel-shaped flowers.

If you want to learn more about our Ferocactus you can take a look at the beautiful Ferocactus Diguetee Isla-Catalina

Plant size Diameter of vase 8 cm
Potting soil Well draining
Flowering Late spring


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