Echinofossulocactus coptonogonus - Pot 7*7

Echinofossulocactus coptonogonus - Pot 7*7


Cultivation and care of the plant:

    • Exposure: sunny and ventilated place. Minimum temperature 5°C
    • Soil: draining and porous with pumice and lapilli soil. Fertilise in spring.
    • Watering: Weekly or fortnightly in spring and summer.


3 in stock


Echinofossulocactus coptonogonus - Characteristics

This Echinofossulocactus coptonogonus is a cactus globose with solitary habit belonging to the order of the Caryophyllales which can grow at the base. Its stem is grey-green with several ribs with white downy areoles. Its thorns are very robust, curved and red in colour, whitening with the passage of time. It flowers in spring, producing small, funnel-shaped, purplish-coloured flowers with white margins.

Plant size Vase 7*7
Potting soil Draining with over 50% of materials such as pumice, lapilli and clay
Flowering In spring
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