Astrophytum – Online selling

The name “Astrophytum” comes from the combination of the Greek words “astèr”, meaning “star” and “phytòn”, meaning “plant”. The name refers precisely to the particular appearance of these cacti which have multiple ribs arranged in the shape of a star. These plants come from Mexico, and they develop in the surrounding environment by camouflaging themselves.

Astrophytums are a genus of plants that are well suited for greenhouse creation, also called cultivars. The reproduced variables are in fact much more numerous and come to assume forms that are nothing short of extravagant and bizarre, where each specimen is unique in itself.

This is why these plants are highly sought after due to the high ornamental value and the uniqueness that each individual specimen possesses. Another feature is given by the large and showy flowers they generate and which allows them to be very versatile and to be able to decorate any environment.
