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5. Ferocactus

Plants of the genus Ferocactus belong to the vast family of Cactaceae which have Mexico and other desert areas of the southern United States as their natural habitat.

Ferocactus: Caratheristics

The name of this species comes from the Latin word "ferox" (ferocious) due to the presence of many robust coloured spines with a "threatening" appearance. Plants of the genus Ferocactus are characterized by a round shape that tends to become columnar in adulthood. The main feature of these cacti, and that is the one that contributes to its name, are the thorns! They are in fact particularly robust and evident, present along their ribs and arranged vertically. The stem is of an intense green colour which can vary up to grey-green and the dimensions vary according to the species; it ranges from 30-40 cm up to one meter in height for an adult plant.

Varieties and Types

There is...


4. Astrophytum

These particular and beautiful plants of the Cactaceae family belong to a specific genus called Astrophytum. Their natural habitat is found in the areas between Mexico and Texas and, given the characteristics of these environments, they need a lot of direct light. The soil must not be too calcareous and must be kept dry, paying particular attention to the water used for watering. Its name derives from the Greek word "Aster", meaning star, and is given by the presence of different sections that form points (from four to eight points) that present these plants which are particularly impressive when viewed from above.

Characteristics of the plant

Astrophytum is one of the most popular varieties of cactaceae plants thanks to their particular star shape and the beauty of the blooms.They have been studied and catalogued since the first half of the 1800s. They have a globular stem divided into sections, each...

prickly pear

3. The Prickly Pear – The cactus of the Mediterranean


The prickly pear, scientific name “Opuntia ficus-indica” (raise your hand if you have never seen one), is by far one of the most iconic plants found throughout the Mediterranean belt. Thanks to its unmistakable appearance, this cactus characterizes all those hot and holiday places that we all love. We could talk about a real symbol that belongs to many of the regions of southern Italy, and that embellishes its landscapes with its imposing bearing and its colourful fruits. Despite the fact that the name may be misleading, the prickly pear is a cactus plant that is not native to India, but from Central America, and more particularly from Mexico. This particular and iconic cactus is even featured on the flag of the Central American state.


Opuntia ficus indica is a succulent plant and arborescent belonging to the Cactaceae family. It...

le proprietà dell'aloe

2. Aloe and its varieties

Aloe - Characteristic:

The Aloe is a succulent plant belonging to the Asphodelaceae family, perennial and shrubby. It is native to Africa and some neighbouring areas such as the Arabian Peninsula and Madagascar. It often tends to be confused with Agaves, but it differs from the latter mainly in the shape of the younger leaves. Aloe has a characteristic opening radius and another noteworthy difference lies in flowering. In Agave indicates the last phase of the plant's life, while in Aloe it is part of the annual flowering cycle.Numerous varieties are part of this plant, with different colours, shapes, and sizes ranging from 15 to 150 centimetres in height. It is also highly appreciated for its ability to be very decorative and ornamental, for its remarkable and showy blooms, and also for its emollient and purifying properties that its "juice" possesses.Aloe is a self-sterile plant. Each...

the cactaceae

1. The Cactaceae

What is a Cactaceae Plant?

The Cactaceae plants (or simply cactus), from the ancient Greek κάκτος kaktos, (with which we referred to some species of thistles) are xerophytic plants that include about 3000 species and 120 categories naturally occurring throughout the American continent.They are mainly used as ornamental plants and their stems have adapted to arid climatic conditions by becoming succulent and photosynthetic. This process allows them to conserve water and resist the long periods of drought that characterize their habitat. As in all plants of their species, the leaves have turned into thorns so as not to disperse the water necessary for their survival.A cactus is a succulent plant with very different sizes and geometric shapes; they can be small and globular, with a maximum height of 1 centimetre - such as Blossfeldia Lilliputiana -, or large and columnar such as...