5. Ferocactus
Plants of the genus Ferocactus belong to the vast family of Cactaceae which have Mexico and other desert areas of the southern United States as their natural habitat.
Plants of the genus Ferocactus belong to the vast family of Cactaceae which have Mexico and other desert areas of the southern United States as their natural habitat.
These particular and beautiful plants of the Cactaceae family belong to a specific genus called Astrophytum. Their natural habitat is found in the areas between Mexico and Texas and, given the characteristics of these environments, they need a lot of direct light. The soil must not be too calcareous and must be kept dry, paying particular attention to the water used for watering. Its name derives from the Greek word "Aster", meaning star, and is given by the presence of different sections that form points (from four to eight points) that present these plants which are particularly impressive when viewed from above.